Sunday, 16 August 2015

what is purchase invoice and how to post it in sap fico

Manual payment                                          Automatic payment

       1. We can issue any check any time                System will issue check one                                        after another 
         2. Sequential or Non-sequential                    Sequential

Purchase invoice posting 

Path : Accounting-Financial accounting-Account payable –Document entry- Invoice general (Transaction code F-43)
Give the document date                 :Todays date
            Type                                                   :KR(Vendor)
            Company code                                 :AML
            Posting key                                       :31 (Vendor credit)
            Account                                             :4200001 (Vendor no.)
Give the amount                              :500000
Business area                                  :AMLH
Text                                                   :Purchase invoice posting
Posting key                                       :40
Account no.                                      :200120 (Inventory raw material)
Amount                                              :*
Business area                                  :AMLH
Text                                                     :+
From the menu select document à Simulate and save

2.    How to view vendor account transactions

Path: Accounting –Financial accounting-Account payable-Account –Display change line items (Transaction code is FBL1N)

            Give the vendor account    :4200001
            Company code                     :AML
            Select open items radio button
            Select normal items check box
            Select execute button

3.    To view general ledger sundry creditor raw material –Transaction code is  FS10N

            Give the GL account no.     :100501 Sundry creditor raw material
            Company code                     : AML
            Fiscal year                             :2008
Business area                      :AMLH
Select execute button
Double click on cumulate balance amount

To view vendor wise

Select change layout button
Select assignment field from the hidden fields column
Select amount in local currency (under column content)
Select left arrow
Select copy button
100501 Sundry creditors RM
Sort key          :012 Vendor number
Sort key updates assignment field automatically

Outgoing payment with clearing

Path :Accounting – Financial accounting-Accounts payable -Document entry–Outgoing payment –Post (F-53)  

            Give the document date                 : Todays date
Type                                                   :KZ
Company code                                 :AML
Clearing text                                     :Outgoing payment
Account under bank date               :200105 (SBI current account)
Amount                                              :5000
Business area                                  :AMLH
Text                                                     :Outgoing payment
Account under open item select   :4200001
Account type                                     :K comes by default (K stands for Vendors)
Select process open items button
Double click on payable amount              :5000
Document àSimulate
Select save button or Ctrl+S

            Go and see the vendor account truncation (Tr.code is FBL1N)
            Give the vendor account no.         :4200001
            Company code                     :AML
Select cleared item radio button
Select normal items check box

Creation of manual check

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Accounts payable –Environment –Check information –Create –Manual checks  (Tr code FCH5)

House bank                          :SBI
Account ID                            :SBI1
Give the check no.               :500025

Display check resister

Upto check information the path is same     Display –Check register (Tr code is FCHN)

Give the paying company code     :AML
Double click on check no.              :500025
Select accompany documents button

Path A/c
Bill no.  Amount       Payment        Payment      Check
1          5000               5000               200005                       500001
2          5000              
3          15000            
4          5000               5000               200001                       500025 payment history
5          5000               5000               200010                       500005

Assignment of check payment no.payment doc cleared will be number

Check encashment date updating:  
Based on bank statement we update check encashment date.

Advantage 1
  1. We know on which date the check is encased by the party
  2. Bank reconciliation is easier
  3. upto check information the path is same change –Additional info/Cash
(Tr code is FCH6)
paying company code                           :AML
House bank                                            :SBI
Account ID                                              :SBI1
Check no.                                                :500025
Give the check encashment                :20.11.2008

Go and see check register FCHN

give the paying company code                       :AML
Sort date wise –FI the encashment date is bank or offer 30.11.2008
Checks issued but not presented.

Unissued checks cancellation 

Some time while writing check we commit mistake before issuing to party – we cancel check
Up to  check information the path is same void –unused checks (Tr code is FCH3)

Give the paying company code           :AML
House bank                                            :SBI
Account id                                               :SBI1
Check no.from                                        :500001
Void reason code                                   :Select 06 destroyed select void button (Shift+F5)

Go and see the check register (FCHN)

Give the paying company code           :AML
Select execute button
Once the check lot is over all check  keep the cursor and cheque no.from to select sort in ascending order button (Ctrl +F5)
If any number is missing between the check is misused.

How to create void reason code

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting –Accounts receivable and accounts payable-Business truncations-Outgoing payments –Automatic outgoing payments-Payment media –check management –Define void reason codes
 (Tr code is FCHV)

Select new entries button
Reason                                                                :15
Void reason code                                               :Stop payment for AML
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request

How to delete encashment  date data:
500019     we have to give encashment date 20.11.2008 for mistake we have given for 500020
500025     20.11.2008 to delete encashment date

Path :up to check information the path is same – Delete –Reset data (Tr.code is FCHG)
Give the paying company code           :AML
House bank                                            :SBI
Account id                                               :SBI1
Check number                                       :500025
Select reset cashing data radio button
Select yes button for the message to reset data

Go and see the check register (FCHN)
Give the paying company code                       :AML

Issued check cancellation
System will not permit to cancel encashed checks.
                                                                        Vendor account
a) Invoice posting (F-43)                             a) 01 (open items)
b) Outgoing payment with clearing (F-53)           b) Bank 5000 Dr  a)5000 Cr
c) Manual check creation (FCH5)             CI (Clearing items)
                                                                        A)        5000 Cr
                                                                        B)        5000 Dr
d)Display check register (FCHN)
e) Issued check cancellation
1) Reset cleared items –Delinking bill amount and payment amount
                                                Vendor Account
                                    B) Bank          5000 Dr          A)        5000 Cr
2) Reverse payment
                                                Vendor account
A)           5000 Cr

Cancel check

Path :upto check information the path is same –Void-Cancel payment (Tr.Code is FCH8)

Paying company code              :AML
House bank                                :SBI
Account ID                                  :SBI1
Check number                           :select 500025
Void reason code                       :15 (stop payment for AML)
Reversal reason                         :select 01(reversal in current period)
Select cancel payment button

Go and seethe vendor account FBL1N

Give the vendor account no.   :4200001
Company code                           :AML
Select open items radio button
Select normal items check box
Select execute button

Go and see the check register FCHN

Give the paying company code           :AML
Select execute button

Advance payments to vendors (down payments to vendors)

      Sundry creditors Purchase      Advance        Advance to vendors
     (current liabilities)                                                           (current assets)
                                    Payment        purchase
  1. Creation of GL master –Advance to vendors –Current assets, Loans & Advances
  2. Link between sundry creditors ands advances to vendors
A (Advance special GL indicator)

        Sundry creditors           Advance to vendors
Reconciliation account       Alternative reconciliation account or special
GL Account
            100501                           200150

            Vendor A/c                4200001 – BirlaChemals Limited -100501

At the time of making payment –we know the purpose of payment.
If it is payment against a bill -4200001
100501-Sundry creditors
If it is payment as an advance 4200001 A
4200001 – Birla Chemicals Limited -100501

                                    A(Advance (Special GL indicator))
                        100501   200150

Advance payment posting

Purchase invoice posting
Transfer of advance from special GL to normal by clearing special GL items.
Clearing of normal items.
Vendor account have two parts
1)    Normal items
2)    Special GL items

Creation of GL master advance to vendors (FS00)

GL A/c No.                             :200150
Company code                     :AML
Select with template button
Give the GL account no.100501 (Sundry creditors raw material)
Company code                     :AML
Change account group to current assets loans & advances
Change short text and GL account long text to Advance to vendors
Other fields are common
Select save button or Ctrl+S

Link between sundry creditors and advance to vendors:

Path :SPRO-Financial accounting-Accounts receivables and accounts payables – Business transactions-Down payment made-Define alternative reconciliation account for down payments (Tr code is OBYR)

Double click on A or down payment on current assets
Give the chart of accounts                                     :AML
Reconciliation account                               :100501
Special GL account                                                 :200150
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request

Advance payment posting:

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Account payable –Document entry-down payment –Down payment (F-48)

Document date                     :Todays date
Type                                       :KZ
Company code                     :AML
Vendor account                   :4200001
Special GL indicator            :A
Bank account                       :200105 SBI current account
Business area                      :AMLH
Amount                                  :25000
Text                                         :Advance payment posting
Amount                                  :*
Business area                      :AMLH
Text                                         :+
From the menu select Document –Simulate and save

Go and see the vendor account transaction  (Tr.code is FBL1N)

Give the vendor account no.                     :4200001
Company code                                             :AML
Select open items radio button
Select special GL transaction check box

Purchase invoice posting (F-43)

Give the document date                 :Today’s date
Type                                                   :KR
Company code                                 :AML
Posting key                                       :31
Account no                                       :4200001
Amount                                              :25000
Business area                                  :AMLH
Text                                                     :purchase invoice posting
Posting key                                       :40
Account no.                                      :200120 inventory raw material
Amount                                              :*
Business area                                  :AMLH
Text                                                     :+
From the menu select document –simulate and save

Go and see the vendor account (Truncation code FBL1N)

Give the vendor account no.         :4200001
Company code                                 :AML
Select open item radio button
Select normal items check box
Select back arrow
Select special GL truncation check box along with normal items

Transfer of advance from special GL to normal by clearing special GL items

Path :Accounting –Financial accounting-Accounts payable-Document entry-Down payment –Clearing (F-54)

Give the document date                             :Today’s date
Document type                                             :KA
Company code                                             :AML
Vendor account                                           :4200001
Text                                                                 :Advance transfer to normal
Select process down payments button
Transfer posting                                           :25000

Go and see the vendor account transactions FBL1N

Give the vendor account no.                     :4200001
Company code                                             :AML
Select clearing items radio button
Select special GL transaction check box
Select back arrow
Select open items radio button
Select normal items check box

Clearing of normal items:

Path : Accounting –Financial accounting –Accounts payable –Account –Clear        (F-44)

Give the account no.           :4200001
Company code                     :AML
Select process open items button
Double click on credit 25000
Double click on debit          25000

Go and see the vendor accounts (Transaction code .FBL1N)

Give the vendor account no.         :4200001
Company code                                 :AML
Select cleared items radio button
Select normal items check box
Vendor account
                                                               Normal / Items
6          5          25000             425000                       Sundry creditors  C/L
                                                Special GL items
Advance to vendor 3          25000             5                      25000

2nd Scenario
Advance more bill less
Advance                    200000
Bill amount                   50000

A)   Advance payment posting  (F-48)
B)   Purchase in voice posting (F-43)
C)   Transfer of advance of  Rs.500000 from special GL to normal (F-54)

Vendor A/c normal items
D               C                     50000             B         50000
Special GL items
A   200000                                               C         50000

D)   Clearing of normal items (F-44)

Final result
Vendor special GL shows a balance of Rs.1500000 – Advance to vendors
To be cleared against future bills.

3rd Scenario
Advance bill more
Advance              9000
Bill amount          90000
                                                                                          Vendor A/c
normal items
A)   Advance payment posting (F-48)
B)   Purchase invoice posting (F-43)               C         9000   B         90000
C)   Transfer of advance from special GL to normal
by clearing                                                               
                                                                                                Special GL Items
            Special GL (F-54)                                         A         9000   C                     9000

    D) While making balance payment
            Of Rs.81000 double click on bill
            Amount 900000 and payment amount
            Rs.9000. All the 3 line items will go to

            Clearing items (F-53)

01          Payable immediately  - Due net

Path : SPRO-Financial accounting –Accounts receivable and accounts payable –Business transactions-Incoming invoices / Credit memos – Maintain terms of payment

Select new entries button
Payment terms                     :AML1
Select customer check box
Select vendor check box
Default for base line date
No default                             :No.of purchases during the month base line date at the        time of Invoice posting –Blank
                                               For all purchases during the month give month end                   date.
Document date                      :Party bill date
Posting date                           :Goods receipt date
Entry date                              :Quality approval date

Payment terms                       :If the payment is made within 10 days -3% cash                            discount
                                               If the payment is made within 20 days -2% ash discount         payable within 30 days

Under default for baseline date: Select posting date radio button
                                                Percentage   No.of days
Term 1                                      3                    10
Term2                                       2                    20
Term3                                        -                    30

Press enter
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request

Cash Discount Received 

Trade discounts are to be adjusted to purchases where as cash discounts are to be shown under other income.

Creation of GL master –Cash discount received other income (FS00)

Give the GL A/c no.             :300101
Company code                     :AML
Select with template button
Give the GL account 300100 exchange gain
Company code                     :AML
Change short text and GL account long text to cash discount received.

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