Friday, 21 August 2015

statically key figures(SKF) in sap co


This is used as a basis for allocation of costs from one cost center to other cost centers.
Eg. Employee / Area/ Telephone calls
Dept C                                                Dept A                                                Dept B
(service Dept)                                      (Production departments)
Salaries            500000                        No.of employee of  A and B
Rent                100000                        Sq.meter are of A & B
Telephone Exp25000                          No.of telephone calls  of A & B
Enter CO. No range interval for the business transaction.

RKS    (Enter statistical key figures)
SKF category Fixed   Total

If we choose fixed, values
If we choose total
To SKF are common for all months in the year, if we don’t make changes in between
Eg: Employee / Area
We have to enter values for SKF, for each and every month
Eg: Telephone calls

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          No.of Employees                                                  No.of Telephone calls
April 2008             100      100      Aprl 2008                    1000
May 2008              |           |           May                             1500
June                       |           |           June                             2000
July                       |           |           July
Aug                       |           |           Aug
Sep                        |           |           Sep
      Oct                                    |           150      Oct

      Dec                        |           |           Dec
      Jan.’09                   |           |           Jan 2009
     Feb                         |           |           Feb
      March                    |           |           March 

Define range interval for  the business transaction RKS-Enter Statistical key figures Transaction Code is (KANK )

Give  the controlling area                    : BIL
Select maintain groups button
Double click on RKS
Select Co.No.range interval for BIL check box
From the menu select Edità Assignment element group.
Ignore the warning message press enter.       

Create Statistical key figures

Path :Accounting – Controlling –cost center accounting à master Data-Statistical key figures – Individual processing – Create (Tr.Code is KK01)

Give  the statistical key figure            :EMP
Give the Name                                    :Employee
Statistical key figure unit of measurement : Select EA each
Key figure category :Select fixed values under radio button

Path : Accounting –Controlling – Cost Center accounting –actual postings-statistical key figures-Enter  (Tr.code is KB31N)

Received cost center               : Dept A
Statistical KF                          : EMP
Total quantity                          :500
Received cost center               : Dept B
Statistical KF                          :EMP
Total quantity                          :250

Period end closing
In the month end, we allocate costs from one cost center to other cost centers

Dept C                                                            Dept A                                    Dept B
(Service department)                           (Production departments)

Salaries                        500000                        no.of employee of A and B
Wages                         300000                        No.of employee of  A and B
Rent                            50000                          Percentage basis

Basis of allocation can be percentage method statistical key figures method /activity type (machine hour / labour rate)

Allocation methods:
  1. Assessment :
A)          Transfer primary cost postings and secondary cost postings.
Dpt X                    Dept C                              Dept A                        Dept B
Wages  100000     Salaries      500000              Salaries 400000     Salaries     300000
                              Wages       300000
                              Rent            50000   Add all 85500          Add all from C  95000 10%
          All from Dept X           100000
                                                ----------            -----------                                  -----------
                                    Less     950000            1255000                                  395000
                                                =====             =======                                =======

Primary cost postings
Secondary cost postings

B)    Receiving cost centers can’t track original cost element  Dept A and B will not show the transfer value –how much salaries wages and rent.
C)    Define Co.No.range interval for business transaction RKIU actual overhead assessment.

  1. Distribution
A)    Transfer only primary cost postings
B)    Receiving cost center can track original cost  elements.
C)    Sender should be only cost center
D)    Define Co.No.range interval for the business transaction RKIV actual overhead distribution.

  1. Periodic reposting:
A)    Transfer only primary cost postings
B)    Receiving cost center can track original cost   elements.
C)    Sender can be a cost center or interval order.
D)    Define Co.No.range interval for the business truncation.
RKIB periodic reposting.

  1. Indirect activity allocation.
A)Transfer only primary cost postings.
B) Receiving cost center can track original cost elements.
C) Sender should be only cost center.
D) Transfer quantities as well as values.
E) Define Co.No.range interval for the business truncation.
      RKIL  Indirect activity allocation .

Which over method we follow, we have to create cycles.

When the allocation basic is different for the cost elements in the cost center, we have to create number of cycles for  number of segments for a cycle.

Dept C                                                            Dept A                                    Dept B
(Service Department)                          (Production departments)

Salaries                        500000            No.of employees of A and B
Wages                         300000            No.of employees of A and B
Rent                            50000              Percentage basis

Option 1:

                        Cycle 1                                                Cycle 2
            (Salaries and wages allocation)                       (Rent allocations)
                        |                                                                       |
                        Segment 1                                                       Segment 1
Option 2

                                                Cycle 1                                                                       
                        |                                                           |
            Segment1                                            Segment2

            (Salaries and wages allocation)           (Rent allocation)

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