Friday, 21 August 2015

what is budgeting and availability control in sap co


1. We can plant cost element wise in the order
1.Budgeting will be done order wise
2. We can do planning period wise in a year (Month wise)
2. Budgeting should be done year wise
3.Micro level  (Lower level)
3. Marco level (High level)
For budgeting SAP has given availability control
Order no.AP9Z1234
Budget amount 500000

Option 1          Option2           Option 3
Give                Give warning  Give
Warning          To the user      Error1
To the user      And inform to
                        Budget manager
If actual amount exceeds 85% of budget 425000
If the variance is above 20000 i.e actual 5200000
Both                Whichever activity comes first
If a actual amount exceeds 70% of budget go for option1
If actual amount exceeds 85% of budget go for option 2
If actual amount  exceed 100% of budget go for option 3

When we do budgeting it generate a document –We have to give budgeting –No. range interval only for 04 (Hard coded by SAP)

This is given at client level and not at controlling area level –it is not year specify.

Note :  Order Eg.Vehicle Expenses

            Cost element :Eg.Vehicle for  petrol, repairs,Driver salary etc.,

Maintain no.range for budgeting:

Path :SPRO-Controlling-Internal orders-Budgeting / availability control-Maintain no.ranges for budgeting (Tr code is OK11)

Select change intervals button

Define tolerance limits for availability control
Same path
Select new entries button
Controlling area                      :BIL
Profile                                     :select 000001 General budget profile                                  :++ all activity groups
Action                                                 :select 2 waring with mail to person response
Usage                                      :85
Press enter to save in your request

Specify exempt cost elements from availability control

Same path

Petrol expenses
Drivers salary is Fixed cost

We can specify when we post to driver’s salary all with order AP9Z1234 –Even if, it exceeds 85% of budget no. message need to be given.

It is known expenditure

Select new entries button
Controlling area                      :BIL
Cost element                           :400100 Salaries account
Press enter to save in your request

Maintain budget manager
Same path

Select new entries button
Controlling area                      :BIL
Order                                       :BILV
Object class                             :OCost (Overhead cost)
User name                               :SAP user (budget manager)
Press enter to save in your request

Budgeting order wise (END USER AREA)

Path :Accounting-Controlling –Internal order-Budgeting-Original budget –Change (Tr code is K022)

Order               :AP9Z1234
For the period             :500000 (Budget amount)
Over / budget also 500000
From the menu select Extras –Availability: Control –Activate

Posting of petrol expenses (F-02)

Give the document date         :Today’s date
Type                                        :SA
Company code                        :BIL
Posting key                             :40
Account no.                            :400310 Petrol expenses
Give the amount                     :350000
Order                                       :AP9Z1234
Text                                         :Petrol expense
Posting key                             :50
Account no.                            :200105 SBI current account
Give the amount                     :*
Business area                           :BILH
Text                                         :+
From the menu select –Document –Simulate and save
Ignore the message press enter

To view in box of the budget manager
Path :SAP MenuàOffice –Work place (Tr code is SBWP)

Select inbox folder

We get a message accounting document no.

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